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Verification of the analyzers of lead-acid storage batteries

ImageFrom the beginning of 2006 the verification of measurements of the analyzer of lead-acid chemical sources developed by Company «Megaron» is spent in Test laboratory «Neva-Reglament»

The analyzer is intended for the express-estimation of a condition of lead-acid batteries:

  • before the first use of new battery (an estimation of the electric characteristics declared by the manufacturer);
  • during the battery operation (an estimation of a condition and working capacity at real application).

Parameters of the express-estimation:

  • current of cold scrolling;
  • maximal current of scrolling at the temperature of electrolit equal to an ambient temperature;
  • start characteristics (duration of the discharge at constant value of the cold scrolling current or the maximal current of scrolling);
  • theoretical (maximal) capacity;
  • residual capacity.

Characteristigs fixed during the tests:

  • voltage at opened circuit;
  • temperature of electrolit and the ambient temperature;
  • cell voltage;
  • duration of the discharge.

Results of tests:

Indications of the analyzer:

  • on size of a current of cold scrolling;
  • the maximal current of scrolling;
  • start characteristics at temperatures +20, +12, 0 and-18°С
  • degrees of the battery charge 100, 70, 50 and 20%

in all cases are confirmed by electric tests of the given batteries for loading.

The error of measurements of the maximal current of scrolling by the analyzer is less than ±1%.

The voltage on accumulators at tests

Some results of tests are snown in figure and in the table.

Number of accumulator Temp. the Maximal current under indications of the analyzer Verification of indications of the analyzer
Current Yes/No
Battery No.1 +20°C 500 of first step = 500 A Yes
of second step = 300 A
Battery No.2 +20°C 503 of first step = 503 A Yes
of second step = 302 A
Battery No.3 +20°C 486 of first step = 486 A Yes
of second step = 292 A
Battery No.4 +12°C 544 of first step = 544 A Yes
of second step = 326 A
Battery No.5 +12°C 526 of first step = 526 A Yes
of second step = 316 A
Battery No.6 +12°C 544 of first step = 544 A Yes
of second step = 326 A
Battery No.1 0°C 384 of first step = 384 A Yes
of second step = 278 A
Battery No.2 0°C 389 of first step = 389 A Yes
of second step = 268 A
Battery No.3 0°C 376 of first step = 376 A Yes
of second step = 293 A
Battery No.4 -18°C 447 of first step = 447 A Yes
of second step = 394 A
Battery No.5 -18°C 374 of first step = 374 A Yes
of second step = 339 A
Battery No.6 -18°C 376 of first step = 376 A Yes
of second step = 293 A


By results of tests of the battery of type 6CT55, he presented model of the analyzer can be used or the express-estimation of a condition lead-acid ventilated chemical power sources.

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Последнее обновление ( 23.04.2008 г. )
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