Verification of the analyzers of lead-acid storage batteries |
From the beginning of 2006 the verification of measurements of the analyzer of lead-acid chemical sources developed by Company «Megaron» is spent in Test laboratory «Neva-Reglament»
The analyzer is intended for the express-estimation of a condition of lead-acid batteries:
- before the first use of new battery (an estimation of the electric characteristics declared by the manufacturer);
- during the battery operation (an estimation of a condition and working capacity at real application).
Parameters of the express-estimation: - current of cold scrolling;
- maximal current of scrolling at the temperature of electrolit equal to an ambient temperature;
- start characteristics (duration of the discharge at constant value of the cold scrolling current or the maximal current of scrolling);
- theoretical (maximal) capacity;
- residual capacity.
Characteristigs fixed during the tests: - voltage at opened circuit;
- temperature of electrolit and the ambient temperature;
- cell voltage;
- duration of the discharge.
Results of tests: Indications of the analyzer: - on size of a current of cold scrolling;
- the maximal current of scrolling;
- start characteristics at temperatures +20, +12, 0 and-18°С
- degrees of the battery charge 100, 70, 50 and 20%
in all cases are confirmed by electric tests of the given batteries for loading.
The error of measurements of the maximal current of scrolling by the analyzer is less than ±1%.  The voltage on accumulators at tests Some results of tests are snown in figure and in the table. Number of accumulator | Temp. | the Maximal current under indications of the analyzer | Verification of indications of the analyzer | Current | Yes/No | Battery No.1 | +20°C | 500 | of first step = 500 A | Yes | of second step = 300 A | Battery No.2 | +20°C | 503 | of first step = 503 A | Yes | of second step = 302 A | Battery No.3 | +20°C | 486 | of first step = 486 A | Yes | of second step = 292 A | Battery No.4 | +12°C | 544 | of first step = 544 A | Yes | of second step = 326 A | Battery No.5 | +12°C | 526 | of first step = 526 A | Yes | of second step = 316 A | Battery No.6 | +12°C | 544 | of first step = 544 A | Yes | of second step = 326 A | Battery No.1 | 0°C | 384 | of first step = 384 A | Yes | of second step = 278 A | Battery No.2 | 0°C | 389 | of first step = 389 A | Yes | of second step = 268 A | Battery No.3 | 0°C | 376 | of first step = 376 A | Yes | of second step = 293 A | Battery No.4 | -18°C | 447 | of first step = 447 A | Yes | of second step = 394 A | Battery No.5 | -18°C | 374 | of first step = 374 A | Yes | of second step = 339 A | Battery No.6 | -18°C | 376 | of first step = 376 A | Yes | of second step = 293 A | Conclusion: By results of tests of the battery of type 6CT55, he presented model of the analyzer can be used or the express-estimation of a condition lead-acid ventilated chemical power sources.
We invite the interested organizations to cooperation. We shall be glad to cooperate with you! |
Последнее обновление ( 23.04.2008 г. )